dimanche 10 juillet 2011

The Tianjin TOP 10 of "I like" et "I don't like"


1) The "BBB" aka "Belly Button Boys", nickname invented with my friend Kendra for those Chinese men, who turn up their t-shirt to proudly show their belly. And sometimes, when you're lucky, they also put their finger inside their belly button, it is apparently a new way of chilling... they make me laugh so much!

2) Hearing almost everyday "HEN PIAO LIANNNNNG!" I confess, it is not unpleasant for my ego! ;)

3) FOOD PRICE: tai pian yi de!

4) People. Very friendly and helpful.

5) The "touctoucs", bicyles everywhere and the outside markets. It is very charming and so traditional!

6) The taxi journeys, always such a trip! But don't fasten your seatbelt, the driver could take it the wrong way...

7) Those grannies who are doing taijichuan every morning, following the Chinese music

8) Bargaining, for everything!!

9) Traditional parks

10) Dogs and their crazy races! Yes, here they don't eat them!


1) The smell of s**t in the streets. Seriously, it makes me sick.

2) The heat + pollution = SMOG

3) Spitting in the morning ( and every single time). It is not just the simple and discret spitting on the corner of the street. Absolutely not. It is more about cleaning the throat while making a sound of disgust. Above all, they don't hesitate to spit right in front of your feet! "Bon appétit!"
PS: valid for men AND also for ladies.

4) The insistent staring that makes you feel really uncomfortable. Even if I know they are not quite use to see foreigners, sometimes I wish they could avoid turning back and look at me as if I was an alien...(well I am!)

5) The fact that shoe size stops at 39!! I'm fucking 40-41!!! Girls nightmare! First time in my life I wish to be short (or maybe just have smaller feet...)

6) Their mattresses, hard like rocks! But it's apparently good for your back. Well, mine is still very painful! Where are my goose feathers pillows!??

7) The standing toilets. Well this, definitely, I will never get used to it!

8) MOSQUITOS! More devastating than anywhere else!

9) Car's bipping. I was complaining in Paris. Haha, nothing compared to here! Very good at 8 am, you haven't slept and have a headache.

10) The lack of hygiene, generally speaking.

2 commentaires:

  1. hahahahaha. poor amandine! what does "HEN PIAO LIANNNNNG!" mean?

  2. Trop bonne idée cet article!
    Mais fait pas genre pour le I don't like n°4... :-P
